Which retainer is best after dental braces?

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Which retainer is best after dental braces

One of the happiest moments in life is when you get rid of your braces after a long journey of two to three years. Your teeth are straightened and your smile is improved increasing your self-esteem. Your confidence is on the next level during social interaction with your new amazing smile. But wait, the game is not over yet. To keep this new smile long-lasting, you need to wear the appliance for as long as you can. Yes, you are right your orthodontist had told you about this during your initial appointments. This is high time to wear your retainer. Read on to learn more about retainer after dental braces.

What is a dental retainer after braces treatment?
A dental retainer is a simple orthodontic appliance that helps you maintain the results of your orthodontic treatment, i.e., holds the teeth in a new position and doesn’t allow teeth to move back to their original position.

For how long do I need to wear an orthodontic retainer?
If you strictly follow the textbook answer is “as long as you want to keep your teeth straight”. But usually, retainers are worn for one to two years depending on the individual case. But in some cases, generalized spacing or large gaps between teeth require lifelong retention. So, your orthodontist can guide you on how much duration is recommended for your case.

Are dental orthodontic retainers removable?
Yes, retainers can be both removable or fixed, depending on the individual case and patient preferences.

Can I easily eat or chew food while wearing retainers?
Yes, you can easily enjoy your food while wearing fixed retainers. If you are wearing removable retainers you can easily take them out and reinsert them later after having your favorite food.

Can I easily speak while wearing retainers?
Yes, you can easily speak while wearing your retainers. If you are wearing removable retainers, initially they disturb speech but it takes 3-5 days to adapt and your speech will be fine like before.

What will happen if I frequently miss wearing my retainer?
If you don’t wear your retainer properly according to the schedule prescribed by your orthodontist, your teeth may move slightly, resulting in misfitting of retainers, i.e., it will be difficult for you to remove and reinsert your retainer with ease.

What are the pros and cons of a removable retainer?
The pros of removable retainers like trending clear or vacuum formed retainers (VFR) are, they are removable, can easily be removed during social interaction or meal times, and allow improved oral hygiene access and care. Cons are they can be lost if not properly taken care of or misplaced, and they can discolor with time or maybe broken down with frequent removal and reinsertion.

What are the pros and cons of a fixed retainer?
The pros of fixed orthodontic retainers are they don’t need to be removed and have less chance of misplacing. However, it is difficult to maintain oral hygiene in the area beneath the retainer wire. So, proper cleaning is difficult in a fixed retainer, that if goes on unnoticed may lead to decalcification of tooth structure resulting in porosities and finally caries. Therefore, it is mandatory to have excellent oral hygiene if you’re wearing, especially fixed retainers.

Finally, the billion-dollar question asked by most of our patients is:
Which retainer is best after dental braces?
The simple answer is: “Both removable and fixed retainers are good, as you long as maintain your oral hygiene and visit your orthodontist periodically for a follow-up to look for any changes or damages to the retainer that will hamper its function”


  • A retainer is necessary to maintain orthodontics results.
  • Lifelong retention is the best insurance.
  • Both removable and fixed retainers are effective.
  • Excellent oral hygiene maintenance is necessary.
  • Regular follow-ups at specific intervals are highly recommended.
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