Best way to close gaps between teeth

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Best way to close gaps between teeth

A beautiful Hollywood smile is like a dream for many, especially on big occasions you want to have a perfect Hollywood smile. It refers to having a beautiful smile like Hollywood actors. Embarrassing big gaps between your teeth can ruin your big occasion if you don’t get them closed properly. Read on to learn more about the perfect and best way to close gaps or spaces between your teeth.

Why are the gaps present between my teeth?
There can be many reasons for gaps between your teeth:

  1. Big size of your jaws
  2. Missing teeth
  3. Small teeth
  4. Forwardly placed teeth

Will the gaps close naturally or do I have to undergo any dental treatment?
Everyone has a different reason for the gaps between teeth, so it’s essential to visit your dentist so that the reason for gaps between your teeth can be diagnosed properly and hence the treatment.
Some gaps are natural like in kids aged 8-9 years gaps are present between two front teeth, which naturally close when their corner teeth erupt, therefore a regular visit to a dentist is a must.

What is the best way to close the gaps between teeth?
First of all, it all depends on the diagnosis, i.e., what causes the gaps between teeth?
Generally, more than 90% of cases of gaps between teeth are managed with orthodontics treatment & the results are acceptable & stable.

Who should I seek for gaps closure between my teeth?
Generally, we all see our general dentist first, but we’ll highly recommend always consulting an orthodontist for a second opinion who is an expert for closing gaps or spaces between teeth.

Should I get a crown or bridge over the top of my natural teeth to close the gaps between my teeth?
Ideally, you should not get crowns or bridges just to close gaps between teeth unless a qualified orthodontist recommends you.