Tooth Extraction

One thing patients are mostly afraid of the dentist is the extraction of teeth. At Royal Dental Care, our expert dentists try their level best to save a tooth and avoid tooth extraction, but in some cases, it’s simply inevitable. Extraction is usually the last treatment choice. It is always the best decision to get a regular dental check-up and x-rays done. Your dentist will examine your teeth and will let you know if your tooth can be saved or not. If you cannot visit a dentist due to any reason, you can also get Online Dental Consultation, and seek our expert dentist’s advice.

What is tooth extraction?
When the tooth is grossly decayed to such an extent that it is not restorable with any treatment procedure or when a tooth is associated with any pathology, the tooth is simply pulled out of its socket, allowing healing and relief of discomfort.

What are the types of tooth extraction?
There are two types of tooth extraction:

  1. Simple or Normal Extraction:

In the simple extraction, a tooth is removed without any complex surgical procedures, like raising a soft tissue flap and grinding the alveolar bone to uncover the tooth.

  1. Surgical Extraction:

When the tooth extraction involves grinding of surrounding bone for its removal, it is termed a surgical extraction. The best example of surgical extraction is impacted wisdom teeth.

Why tooth extraction is necessary?
Sometimes it is very difficult to save a tooth and tooth extraction is the only option for preventing the further spread of infection and eliminate the pain and discomfort associated with it.

Other common reasons for tooth extraction may include:

  • Grossly decayed (carious) tooth
  • Failed previous treatment e.g., RCT (root canal treatment)
  • Fractured tooth crown or root
  • Loose teeth with poor periodontal health
  • Associated pathology (e.g., Cyst or tumor)
  • Traumatized tooth
  • Associated with widespread infection
  • Teeth with poor prognosis
  • Impacted teeth (e.g., Wisdom tooth extraction)
  • Orthodontic reasons (e.g., Crowding)
  • Retained teeth (Baby teeth)
  • Extra teeth (Supernumerary teeth)
  • When the tooth is non-restorable due to any reason

How tooth extraction is performed?
Your dentist will use local anesthesia to numb your tooth and its surrounding area, so you will not feel any discomfort, other than mild pressure when the tooth is being pulled off. When multiple tooth extractions are indicated, your dentist may recommend sedation or general anesthesia to suppress your consciousness during the tooth removal.

Is it painful to extract a tooth?
At Royal dental care, we perform tooth extractions regularly and provide Pain-free tooth extraction treatment to our patients. The maximum number of our patients report only mild discomfort (mild pressure) which is perfectly normal during the removal of a tooth. Our expert dentist, Dr. Abbas Naseem makes sure the tooth area is numb before starting the tooth extraction procedure so that you will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure.

How can I prevent tooth extraction?
The best way to prevent tooth removal is a regular dental checkup. Your dentist will detect and timely intercept any tooth disease before it progresses. At Royal Dental Care, our expert dentists are professionally trained to diagnose and treat dental problems early.

Are there any risks with tooth extraction?
Like any medical treatment, there is always some risk involved:

  • Nerve damage
  • Damage to adjacent teeth
  • Breakage of the crown, converting simple extraction to surgical extraction.

Fortunately, these complications or risks are rare.

How much does tooth extraction cost in Pakistan near me?
The cost for simple tooth extraction at Royal Dental Care ranges between Rs. 3000 to Rs. 6000 depending upon the complexity of the individual case.

Schedule a Consultation:
If are considering pain-free tooth extraction or you have questions related to the extraction of teeth. Contact us today to book your appointment online for an in-office consultation for painless extraction.

Online Dental Consultation:
Connecting with our expert Dentist is now much easier than ever before. You can also get Online Dental Consultation remotely from the best Dentist.

Benefits of Online Dental Consultation:

  • No need to travel.
  • Consult with ease from the comfort of your home and office.
  • No more waiting in the queue.
  • Minimal charges.

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