Problems with the fixed orthodontics retainer

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problems with the fixed orthodontics retainer

At the end of your long two to three orthodontics (braces) journey, it is necessary to maintain the results achieved. For this purpose, your orthodontist recommends you wear a retainer that will help you maintain the results. Read on to learn more about fixed orthodontics retainers.
Two types of retainers are mostly commonly used after the dental braces (orthodontics) treatment is finished.
1. Fixed orthodontic retainer
2. Removable orthodontic retainer

Removable orthodontic retainer as the name indicates are removable, allows ease of removal during eating or social interaction, and maintain excellent oral hygiene. In removable orthodontic retainers, two designs are commonly used, 1. Hawley’s removable orthodontic retainer 2. Clear or VFR retainers, these retainers are gaining tremendous popularity among patients due to their invisible nature and free from wires.

On the other hand, in some cases, fixed orthodontics retainers are recommended by your orthodontist, especially if your teeth had the following before the start of your braces journey:

  1. Generalized spacing
  2. Large spacing between your front teeth
  3. Corner (canine) teeth high in the palate

Fixed orthodontic retainers, according to scientific recent evidence perform equally well as removable orthodontic retainers. If your orthodontist has suggested you wear fixed orthodontist retainers, the following things should be kept in mind before making your final decision for Clear Vs. Fixed Orthodontic retainers:

  1. Fixed orthodontic braces retainers require excellent oral hygiene:

It is slightly more difficult to clean your teeth when fixed retainers are in place, you need to spend extra time and effort to clean thoroughly around fixed retainers. Since they are placed at the inner surface of teeth, they require more attention and gentle handling during brushing, otherwise, they may become loose and need repair which can be costly.
If you are unable to brush properly for a long time, initial plaque and calculus deposits will occur, later on, your teeth may have cavities that can go on un-noticed since the retainers are on the inner surface, and it is easy to miss out on the cavities developing around or under the fixed retainers.

2. Follow-up visits are essential at regular intervals:

Sometimes, fixed retainer wire is broken on one or two teeth which initially goes unnoticed and the patient realizes it when that particular tooth changes its position due to broken retainer wire. Therefore, it is essential to regularly visit your orthodontist so that he can make sure your fixed retainers are working correctly and not broken down. Furthermore, he can also detect if there are any signs of cavities or caries on your teeth and will reinforce your oral hygiene instructions to protect your teeth from further decay.


  • Fixed retainers are excellent to maintain the orthodontic treatment results.
  • Clear retainers Vs. Fixed retainer equally performs well.
  • Fixed retainers are preferred in some cases over clear retainers.
  • Fixed retainers demand excellent oral hygiene and regular visits to orthodontist.
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