Royal Dental Care

Crown and Bridge post-treatment instructions


  • Permanent Crown / Bridge:
    If the crown or bridge is fixed, no eating for the first 1-2 hours.
  • Temporary Crown / Bridge:
    The temporary crown and bridge are usually given when there is a delay in final restoration or when the patient doesn’t want to go home without replacing the missing teeth immediately. Temporary Crown / Bridge cementation may take a little longer than permanent to get fixed but care should be exercised during eating so that the temporary crown and bridge do not fall off.  Try not to chew any solid or hard food with temporary teeth.


  • If your prepared tooth is non-root canal treated:

Sensitivity to hot and cold is to be expected following crown and bridge treatment, especially if the preparation is done on vital teeth I.e., non-root canal treated teeth. Try to drink liquids at a normal temperature and avoid hot and cold drinks for the first few days.
Similarly, since margins of the teeth are prepared around gums to allow for proper fixation of overlying artificial crowns and bridges, therefore it is normal to have discomfort in the gums around the prepared teeth especially after the anesthesia wears off.

Best remedy if you feel discomfort in the gums is to rinse with moderately warm salt water. If the discomfort persists for a little longer, you can do Online Dental Consultation with our expert dentist.

  • If your prepared tooth is root canal treated:

If you already have root canal treatment for the tooth over which crown and bridge are to be placed, you will not feel any sensitivity, other than mild discomfort in the gums as described above.

Change in Bite: 
When the crown and bridge are placed, your bite may feel a little different from before. Normally it will take 2 to 3 days in adjusting to the new bite. 

But if you feel your mouth is not closing properly like before crown and bridge or a single tooth or few teeth contact first then remaining teeth, please visit your dentist for a slight adjustment. Make sure all the upper and lower contact each other simultaneously during biting.


  • Clean the temporary crown and bridge:

Please carefully and gently clean the temporary crown and bridge area. Do not pull up when flossing around the temporary crown and bridge area. Make sure to brush temporary teeth gently. Sometimes despite extreme care temporary teeth may come off. If this happens between appointments, please visit your dentist so that he/she can fix it again.

  • Clean the permanent crown and bridge:

Clean your permanent crown and bridge artificial teeth like your natural teeth. Brush gently around gums margins. Try not to pull too hard with dental floss.

If you are having a permanent crown and bridge in place. Regular dental check-ups and professional cleaning of the teeth at 6 monthly intervals are essential for you.

Home Care: 
To increase the life of your artificial fixed teeth i.e., crown and bridge it is important to brush and floss properly. Mouthwash once a week can also help decrease the bacterial load in the oral cavity.

When to Contact Your Dentist?

You should visit your dentist’s clinic if you feel:

  • Persistent pain or discomfort
  • Gum swelling
  • High bite
  • Gum Bleeding
  • Sensitivity

Your dentist will provide more specific instructions on how to manage these problems.

Schedule a Consultation:
If you have questions related to the post-op management and instructions of Dental Crown and Bridge. Contact us today to book your appointment online for an in-office consultation.

Online Dental Consultation:
Connecting with our expert Dentist is now much easier than ever before. You can also get Online Dental Consultation remotely from the best Dentist.

Benefits of Online Dental Consultation:

  • No need to travel.
  • Consult with ease from the comfort of your home and office.
  • No more waiting in the queue.
  • Minimal charges.

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